
Touch Compass, with Auckland Live, presents i-waengā (in-between), a new digital work  celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 Dec 2020). 

Visit Aotea Square between 7:30 am – 9:30 pm as we screen i-waengā on the Auckland Live Digital  Stage. The 14 minute work will screen continuously across the day and will be available online for  one week on the Auckland Live website and Touch Compass’ website

Touch Compass commissioned seven artists to respond to the theme of time and space with each  artist offering their different perspective. 

These creatives from across Aotearoa and Australia offer windows into their experiences of  indigenous time, disabled time and everything in-between. 

Artists Tusiata Avia, Grace Taylor, Amy Blinkhorne, thecornycousin, Forest V Kapo, AJ FATA, AM  Kanngieser plus Touch Compass have come together to offer sound installations, digital poetry and  stop motion animations. Some artists are trying to beat the clock, break or bend time, and create  moments of stillness. 

This work celebrates the connections between different identities and encourages new  understandings of the body as we recognise International Day of Persons with Disabilities (Dec 3).